Tuesday 10 September 2013

Look to your left, then look to your right

I managed to squeeze one more game of chess in tonight, just before flying off for holidays tomorrow.  It started off as a French, and I played the off beat 2.b3. Despite being worse out of the opening, I whipped up some tactics in the centre, and managed to win the ending after giving up 2 pieces for a rook (and pawns). But there was a big tactical hole in the game, so I instead I will show a game that kind of looks like the game.
I played this other game at the 2002 Olympiad. I managed to miss a trick in the opening (which was a Caro-Kan) and it looked like I was getting done over on the queenside. However my opponent missed a dangerous threat on the other side of the board and I went from losing to winning in the space of 1 move. However we then both missed the best lines in the position, and although I was far better in the final position bailed with a draw by repetition.

Press,S (2057) - Simmons,Matthew [B12]
Olympiad Bled SLO (4), 29.10.2002

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